Community Education about Tuberculosis, UNAIR FF Community Service Team Goes All the Way to Sumenep, Madura

The committee and residents take photos together after the activity

The Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) as the best Faculty of Pharmacy in Indonesia continues to show its contribution to play a role in sustainable development or what is commonly known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One form of this contribution is the holding of regular community services.

On 28-29 July 2023, UNAIR FF Community Service Team targeted Sumenep Regency, Madura as the location for the activity. Chaired by Dr. apt. Abdul Rahem, M.Kes., this community service activity carries the title "Assistance for Treatment and Prevention of Tuberculosis Transmission through Families of Sufferers in Sumenep Regency".

The aim of this activity is to educate the public to be more aware of Tuberculosis (TB) so that it can be treated quickly. In addition, people need to know that TB is an infectious disease that can be cured and the treatment is free. So far local people still think that TB is a mystical disease and cannot be cured.

This activity presented three speakers. The first resource person was Ms. Siti Hairiyah, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes as the head of the Bluto sub-district health center, Sumenep district. Then proceed with counseling by a pulmonary specialist, namely dr. Andri Dwi Wahyudi Sp.P.

After that, a dialog was also scheduled with the pharmacist with the speaker Dr. apt. Yuni Priyandani, S.Si., Sp.FRS. He is a senior lecturer at FF UNAIR.

Apart from being attended by 50 people from the community as participants, this activity was also attended by 40 pharmacists and TB managers from local pharmacies, health centers and hospitals.
